Endless Summer, For Real

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Summer calls for music like no other season (Christmas carols exist in their own reality) so it’s no surprise Uganda has a music culture that rivals the heat of its equatorial sun. Every open air market, every street corner, every passing car bumps with the exuberant, energetic beat of Uganda. Perhaps the quietest place in my last visit was actually a crowded nightclub that had passed out wireless headphones so everyone could tune into one of four DJ’s performing live that night. The club was operating well past the COVID-induced curfew but had found a way to keep the music churning without bringing any attention to itself. I’ve put together a list of my favorites, many of these are basically inescapable in Uganda at the moment and transport me back with the first note.

Notable on the list are songs from Zex, an irrepressible personality and rising star in Uganda who nevertheless finds time to work with La Lona and Bobi Wine, who pushes the African tradition of melding music and politics into a parliament seat and, recently, a serious challenge at the voting booth to Uganda’s longtime president.

Here’s your Ugandan summer playlist, perfect with a gin and tonic by the pool.


A-tisket, A-tasket


Upcycling Glass, Uplifting a Community