Dedicated to supporting visionaries and change-makers
Our mission is to lend guidance, mentorship, financial, and strategic support directly to artists, entrepreneurs, and community leaders making a difference in their own under-served communities in East Africa.
Action where it matters
We believe the most critical help for vulnerable communities can often come directly from those within the community itself. Their knowledge, ideas, and goals are shaped by their lived experience and can offer the most effective path to enacting change that resonates with their communities. We focus on supporting the arts, entrepreneurship, and education as avenues for this change from within.
Art: Self-Expression to Self-Determination
The benefits of practicing art are as varied as the people doing it. In refugee camps, where free time for children is plentiful but ways to spend it painfully limited, art can be a simple distraction, a therapeutic moment to recharge. In an urban slum it can be a means to make a living or a powerful political tool. In both instances, the ability to partake in artistic creation is a positive moment of agency and potential realized. Learn more about the artists, teachers and programs we support here.
Entrepreneurship: Self Reliance and Financial Independence
In areas with staggering unemployment, entrepreneurship offers a chance at financial stability. Launching a business endeavor under such conditions, with limited experience, can be daunting. We consult with individuals as they define their goals and strategies for achieving them. We also connect them with mentors to provide further, specialized guidance when needed. Read about some of our work and how you can support some of these businesses yourself.
Youth Programs: Making a Future
Children are especially vulnerable to forces of instability and insecurity while largely unable to help themselves. We are inspired to work with men and women who have grown up in similar circumstances and understand these children’s plights as well as anyone. They are committed to providing safe housing, education, and other opportunities for the next generation.